BANZAT 2020 Children’s Braille Competition

Come join in our braille competition,

With a poem of your own composition.

It can be long or short,

Just give it some thought,

And win prizes and high recognition.

  • The competition is open to all braille learners in the school system (including Transition).
  • There are two categories – Junior: up to the end of Year 6, and Senior: for Year 7 and up.
  • Juniors may have support from their RTVs, but seniors should work independently.
  • Poems may be on any topic and follow any poem type – rhyming couplets, limericks, haiku, free-verse, etc.
  • The judges will be looking for poem content, braille accuracy and correct poetry formatting.
  • Poems should be submitted in hard-copy and posted to BANZAT (address below), by Friday 18 September, and accompanied by the attached entry form to be signed off by your parent and RTV.
  • Great prizes including Bop-It games.
  • Winning entries will be published on the BANZAT website.

Post to: BANZAT Chairperson, c/- Blind Low Vision NZ, 4 Maunsell Road, Parnell, AUCKLAND

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