Hāpai Access Card

The Hāpai Access Card has been operating since 2020 in Aotearoa New Zealand. It has seen over two hundred thousand of disabled people get better accessibility through participating businesses.

How does it work?

A disabled person applies for a card providing evidence of the barriers they face when engaging in the community. Based on the application a card is issued which shows the icons (pictures) that relate to the person’s barriers.

The card nine icons that cover the most frequent barriers.

The card costs NZ$30 plus GST for 3 years. (Note the example below shows all the icons, but an issued card will only have a few).

By presenting the card, the disabled person can expect to receive a customer experience that reflects the icons on the card. In many participating businesses the cardholder can get a discount, and where the card shows that the cardholder needs a carer, the carer will get a free entry/ticket.

For more information, contact: susan.jackman@hapaiaccesscard.org.nz or visit their website: www.hapaiaccesscard.org.nz

Apply here: https://app.accesscard.online/apply/hapai/

image of the hapai access card
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