
Raising visually impaired children is challenging. We’re here to help.

Welcome to Parents of Vision Impaired (N.Z.) Incorporated – simply known as PVI. PVI is a registered charity which enrols and supports parents who have blind or vision impaired children. There’s no cost to enrol and you will be joining a supportive community of parents who are overcoming challenges every day.

Our Mission: “Supporting and empowering parents and whānau”

Receiving a diagnosis for your child can feel like the bottom has dropped out of your world. How will you cope? What happens now? What does it mean for the future?

Believe this: there is a future – no matter the difficulties – and you are not alone. We’re committed to helping parents and whānau to share their experiences, provide mutual support, and to gain access to resources that support and empower them to raise children with vision impairments.

How we’re helping parents

Connecting families

PVI is a national parent support group. We offer parents advice, information, and opportunities to meet other parents. PVI publishes a newsletter (eVision) and has a members-only Facebook page for families and whānau to share information and to network. We also have an annual conference and AGM which allows people to get together for a longer time, talk, listen and learn in a social setting.


PVI takes an active part in the disability sector: making sure that the voice of visually impaired children and their parents is heard in consultations with government, schools, councils and other organisations. We work with Blind Low Vision NZ, BLENNZ and others and try to get involved in policy and consultation exercises wherever possible.

Learn more

Find out about us, take a look at some of the links and resources we have available, and join us.

For more information or for support, contact us or talk to your regional board member.

Donate to PVI

You can donate to PVI via our Givealittle page. We are a registered charity and can provide donation receipts.

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PVI is supported by a grant from Blind Low Vision NZ.

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