When your vision impaired child starts school

When your child starts school for the first time parents often have a a lot of questions. When your child has a vision impairment navigating it all can feel overwhelming! PVI parent Clare lists some handy ideas and suggestions for parents whose blind, low vision, deaf-blind or vision impaired child is first starting school. Clare… Continue Reading When your vision impaired child starts school

Barriers in education for blind, low vision, deafblind, and vision impaired (kāpō) students

Undiagnosed vision impairments are far too often misinterpreted by educational staff as “behavioural challenges”[2]. While under-diagnosis of vision issues is a health system issue, educators can provide supportive and accessible environments for students, even in the absence of a formal diagnosis. Core barriers in education faced by kāpō (blind, deafblind, low vision and visually impaired)… Continue Reading Barriers in education for blind, low vision, deafblind, and vision impaired (kāpō) students

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